Why I Love Textiles…

I can’t help but marvel at the incredible role textiles play in carrying the torch of tradition. It’s like they have this magical ability to bridge gaps—be it cultural, temporal, or geographical. Textiles aren’t just fabrics; they’re storytellers, weaving together a vibrant tapestry of history, techniques, and artistry that breaks through boundaries.

Take a moment to appreciate the intricate patterns adorning traditional indigenous garments, the meaningful Ankara motifs gracing ceremonial textiles, or the subtle, timeless codes hidden within quilts. Each thread, each stitch, is a vessel carrying the essence of our heritage, traversing the vast canvas of human experience.

As these textiles unfold their stories, they become tangible links across time and diverse cultures. It’s a beautiful dance—threads weaving through the loom of different traditions, connecting the past to the present. And here’s the magic: they don’t just stop there. They effortlessly extend into the future, allowing traditions to intermingle and unfurl seamlessly.

So, let’s celebrate the enchanting journey of textiles—their ability to carry the weight of history, to stitch together cultures, and to create a fabric that binds us all. Every weave tells a story, and every pattern echoes the whispers of our shared heritage. 🌐🧵