Inspired By…

Fishing nets.

I buy retired authentic nylon commercial fishing nets for my work. Most nets get approximately 2 years of use before they lose integrity from being torn and repaired too many times.

I find the flexibility of the grid, fascinating. Everytime I look, i see something different in the lines.

Learning More About Eva Hesse

Using industrial materials not common to art in the 1960’s, sculptor Eva Hesse developed a powerful, influential style, attaining widespread fame and dying in the same month of her short, difficult life.

More Eva Hesse work. I am fascinated by her ropes dipped in latex and then hung to dry…

Researching Ideas

on how to process the Bamboo in my neighborhood in St. Croix.

Kim Dong-sik is a fourth-generation craftsman making hapjukseon, a traditional Korean fan. These fans date back at least 350 years to the Joseon dynasty (1392-1910) and were used by only the royal family and aristocrats. Kim is one of the few artisans making this fan today

Inspired by…

As I am ruminating on new audio and lighting installation elements for Free Your Mind, I’ve been looking at lots of James Turrell for inspiration. His installations feature the use of natural and artificial light, along with colour and space, to create a vibe for contemplation.

I need to figure out how to fit in a road trip to see his new work, Green Mountain Falls Skyspace near Colorado Springs.

 photograph, David Lauer Photography.

Inspired By…

I have always been a fan of Richard Serra. I a inspired by the thoughtfulness and austerity of his, “Four Rounds: Equal Weight, Unequal Measure” which is newly installed at the Glenstone Museum, Potomac MD.

At the Glenstone Museum, Richard Serra’s “Four Rounds: Equal Weight, Unequal Measure,” a sculptural installation of four patinated, forged-steel cylinders, is displayed in a dedicated pavilion. (Richard Serra/Artists Rights Society, New York/Glenstone Museum)

Inspired by Grace Jones

Thanks to pandemic protocols, images from Nottingham Contemporary (UK) exhibition about Grace Jones are online.

See the exhibit HERE.

Ive always loved Grace Jones for her fully unapologetic self expression. She is a true original.

“If You are Lonely When You are Alone, You’re in Bad Company”

Grace Jones
I Only Move Forwards, Never Backwards, Darling