Grand Opening: Somewhere We Landed
Opening Reception: Friday May 3th, 7:30-9:00pm
LOCATION: Drawing Rooms: Topps Building; 26 Newark Ave #T107, Jersey City, New Jersey 07306
Artists were asked to create works that relate to new beginnings, new adventure, new body of work, outer space, atmosphere, place, transportation, land, nature, or utopia. Hundreds of works are on sale during the course of the show, 5/3/19 – 5/11/19, for $200 each.
I made a series of collages from my airplane ticket stubs and a lino print i carved in flight from LA to Newark.
Gallery Hours:
5/5/19 Sunday, 1-6p
5/9/19 Thurs & 5/10/19 Fri, 5-8p
5/11/19 Saturday, 12-6p
Exhibit runs through 5/11/19.
View Points 2019
OPENING RECEPTION: Saturday, May 4 from 7:00 – 9:00 pm.
LOCATION: Studio Montclair Gallery located at 127 Bloomfield Avenue in Montclair, NJ.
This exhibit will be on display from May 2 to June 15, 2019.
Wonder Woman Selfie’ is a collage for the ages. Colorful, warm and strong – it reflects the best of what a person can see in themselves.

No Boundaries Benefit
BENEFIT: Saturday, May 4th, 2019 8:00-11:00pm
LOCATION: The Woodland; 60 Woodland Road Maplewood, NJ
You can bid on the piece I made for this show. … here
Open Orange 2019
Opening Reception: May 9th, 6:000-9:00pm
LOCATION‘: Community Gallery at ValleyArts: 400 S. Jefferson St., Orange, NJ
Mark your calendar for the Artist Talk and Closing Celebration on June 8, 3-5pm to see this piece and learn more about my Wonder Women series.
“Most performers take themselves too seriously. They forget there is a difference between the characters they play on the screen or stage and themselves, but the public doesn’t forget there is a difference. They see how silly it is if you try to be the same person all the time.”
Grace Jones

Portraits and Narratives- Artist Talk
SAVE THE DATE: Friday May 10, 2019, 7:00-9:00pm
LOCATION: Akwaaba Gallery, 509 S Orange Ave, Newark, NJ
Come Meet and speak to me and artists Kortez and Jimmy James Greene about our work in the “Portraits and Narratives” Exhibition.
Shadow Box Size: 20 x 16 x 1 in Medium: Acrylic paint, Xerox image transfers, stencil printed deli, paper, paper punched recycled envelops, tissue paper, buttons, glitter appliqués, glitter, Diamond Dust on canvas. July 2018 For a perfect side-eye you have to keep your head steady and straight ahead and do it all with your eyes. Side Eye Limited Edition (3/5) Aluminum Print 24 x 20 x 1 in 2015
World Collage Day Pop Up Exhibition
Pop Up Collage Show : Saturday May 11, 2019, 1:00-5:00pm
LOCATION: Garden Level Gallery: 315 3rd Street, Jersey City NJ
Celebrate World Collage Day with me, as we honor our local community of artists and the art of collage!
Get inspiration from our World Collage Day Pop Up Exhibition and then spend an afternoon making artwork with the participating artists.
Participating Artists:
Luis Alves Collage: Luis Alves’s photo collages utilizes appropriated imagery from magazines, to incite dialogue on the role the media plays in the shaping of our lives. Each collage is hand-manipulated with the goal of transformation as a way of commenting on, satirizing or criticizing the source material.
Theda Sandiford: Theda Sandiford: Using internal conflict and diverse recycled materials as a starting point she constructs a mixed media mask to protect herself from fear. What may start off as an ugly statement about herself, is in the end transformed into something beautiful. Theda photographs her process and then digitally manipulate these images to extend the narrative.
Leslie Sheryll: Leslie Sheryll’s photo based collages start with appropriated 19th century tintypes which she scans and digitally manipulates. Sheryll then incorporate historical facts, imagery, personal experience and an infusion of fantasy to create a new narrative about women
BradTerhune: Brad Terhune is forever seeking out new materials to work with leads to changes in style and subject. Terhune looks to create a weird, surreal world, and have been influenced by early twentieth century art movements that embraced and explored collage, while continuing to explore this vibrant medium in the contemporary arena.
Let’s show the world what it looks like when people come together as a community. #worldcollageday
Bring paper, magazines, found materials and your preferred substrate. I have paint, scissors and various glues…
$5 suggested donation to cover material costs.

2019 Cathedral Arts Festival
CHAMPAGNE GALA: Saturday, May 18, 2019, 7:00pm.
LOCATION: Grace Church Van Vorst, 39 Erie St, Jersey City NJ
Exhibition on view through June 7th,
I’m always down for a champagne gala. Join me. Tickets may be purchased for $50 by cash or check at drop-off or online at will cost $60 at the door.
I made these abstract figurative self portraits over the course of 5 weekends using the fine print from my MS infusion drug, Tysbari, paper scraps and mono-printed deli paper. Take a close look at the fine print to see the multitude of symptoms i’m dealing with this hidden illness. Each drawing is representative of a MS treatment, I get infusions every 6 weeks to suppress my immune system and slow the progression of the disease.
Hidden Figure #11, Acrylic paint, Sharpie, colored pencils, pastels, Distress Stain, mica spray, Tysabri newsprint, hand printed deli paper, construction paper, recycled Tazo tea box, tulle, glitter stars, glitter glue and rhinestones on Canson paper. 2018 Hidden Figure #7, 12″x9″, Mixed Media; Acrylic paint, Sharpie, colored pencils, pastels, Distress Stain, mica spray, Tysabri newsprint, hand printed deli paper, construction paper, recycled Tazo tea box, tulle, glitter stars, glitter glue and rhinestones on Canson paper. 2018