Free Your Mind: Public Social Justice Art Project at Art 150

Microaggressions are subtle, everyday interactions or behaviors that communicate hostile, derogatory or negative racial messages or assumptions toward historically marginalized groups.

The weight of these daily interactions has very real consequences… stress, anger, frustration, self-doubt and ultimately feelings of powerlessness and invisibility.

LOCATION: Art150 at 150 Bay Street, Downtown Jersey City. Enter the building on the corner of 1st Street and Provost and ride the elevator up to the second floor.

ON VIEW: Now through January 8th 2022

Walk towards studio #231 and you will find the Free Your Mind installation.

Where you can write a statement about implicit bias or a microaggression you have experienced on a ribbon and then tie your ribbon onto the net to release this story from your personal narrative.

Or you can share your story virtually here.

Later, I will weave your ribbon into a protective blanket.