Sewing Circle Part 3 this Sunday

I printed my Woman Woman Selfie onto heavy fabric for a 10’x8′ tapestry.

Im on deadline for a show and need help sewing bottle caps, buttons and beads onto the fabric for the hair. I need help sewing on bling.

I’ll be at Garden Level Gallery from 11:00am-4:00pm Sunday 7/29. Come for 30mins or come for the duration. Bring a friend or just yourself.


Yes, I will have snacks and day drinking beverages on hand… 🙂

If you can’t sew, don’t worry, this You Tube video will teach you the basics.

Side Eye Banners in Montclair

Side Eye will be displayed on banners installed prominently in Montclair’s business and arts districts this Fall.

The Limited Edition, 3/5 aluminum print will be displayed in one of SMI’s gallery spaces during the fall of 2018 (more info to come). DM me if you are interested in this piece. There are two left in this edition.

A huge thank you to juror, Nette Forne Thomas for selecting my work. I am humbled.

Side Eye
For a perfect side-eye you have to keep your head steady and straight ahead and do it all with your eyes. Side Eye 24 x 20 x 1 in Aluminum Print Subject Matter: Identity 2015

Window Display, Down The Shore

Ever been advised to keep your “big mouth shut” and remain silent? Or to be mindful how “big In The Room” you are?
Well, I say to hell with that. Say what needs to be said. Do you…


Installation of Infinite Possibilities

Im redoing the art in the lobby of A Condo in downtown Jersey City for the month of June. 

The opening reception will be Friday, June 8th, 7:00pm-9:00pm. Please come see…

LOCATION: 389 Washington St, Jersey City, NJ 07302

The show, Infinite Possibilities is the personification of my artist statement, for real for real.

WE all wear masks. Masks to pretend, to hide, to celebrate or just to put our best face forward in a selfie.

I construct masks for protection. What may start off as an ugly statement, in the end, becomes something beautiful.

I transform drawings, photographs, along with found and meticulously collected materials into self-portraits.

I photograph my process and then digitally manipulate these images to extend the narrative as part of my personal mythology.

Fragmented identity juxtaposed with the existence of infinite possibilities is a recurring theme in my work.

The show consists of four early mixed media works 24″x12″ , two large aluminum prints 40″x30″, Headache and ZYX, one 30″x30″ mixed media portrait, three underworld goddesses 20″x20″ and three Gossip girl masks 20″x20″. Im also draping two 20’x10′ fabric panels of my print “Tag 8” from the ceiling to floor in the seating area.  

approaching VIBRANCY

I am pretty excited to be one of thirty nine New Jersey women artists selected from over 1,000 submissions for approaching VIBRANCY.  The show is focused on presenting the diversity of women artists working in this region of Jerz.

The exhibit runs March 15, 2018 through August 24, 2018.

The opening reception March 15, 2018 from 6-8pm.

LOCATION: Gallery at 14 Maple, 14 Maple Avenue in Morristown, NJ. 3rd Floor

Please let me know if you plan to go

“Blind Faith” 1/5 Limited edition aluminum print. 20″x 16″ 3/4 wall mount. 2015

The face is the mirror of the mind, and eyes without speaking confess the secrets of the heart. – St. Jerome

Wonder Woman Selfie is Here

I am making a limited run of 18″x24″  Wonder Woman Selfie prints for my store. If you want one, click here.

The original is 48″x36″x2″ on cradled Birch board.

She is made with recycled materials including bottle caps, punched paper, magazine tears, tissue paper, recycled utility bill envelops, beads, glitter, Pink Army men, rhinestones, metallic stars, shoe polish, acrylic medium.

See the Making of Video. DM if you want to make an appointment to see Wonder Woman Selfie in person.

Mixed Media
I LOVE Wonder Woman. I grew up watching the Linda Carter’s Wonder Woman and wanted to be a bad ass too. After seeing Patty Jenkins’s Wonder Woman in Theaters, I knew I had to pattern my next Super Selfie after Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman Selfie: Making of

I LOVE Wonder Woman. I grew up watching the Linda Carter’s Wonder Woman and wanted to be a bad ass too. After seeing Patty Jenkins’s Wonder Woman in Theaters, I knew I had to pattern my next Super Selfie after Wonder Woman

Made with mostly recycled materials including bottle caps, punched paper, magazine tears, tissue paper, recycled utility bill envelops, beads, glitter, Army men, rhinestones, metallic stars, shoe polish, acrylic mediums on cradled Birch board.

Welcome to Fightclub

Welcome to Fight Club
Size: 20 x 20 in
Framed Size: 22 x 22 x 1 in
Medium: Digital Print On Metallic Photo Paper
Subject Matter: Corporate America
Creation Date: August 2017

Being a black woman in corporate America is like Fight Club. You must mold your personality to be palatable as a peach and keep your opinions to yourself.

The first rule of Fight Club is: you do not talk about Fight Club.
The second rule of Fight Club is: you DO NOT talk about Fight Club!
Third rule of Fight Club: if someone yells “stop!”, goes limp, or taps out, your career is over.

It’s Wine-O-Clock Art Mode!

I define my own identity and relish the opportunity to occupy the position of both insider and outsider rather than insider or outsider.
This is one of the many masks I wear.

Wine -o -Clock
Theda Sandiford
Mixed Media Canvas

Made with Handmade paper, recycled paper, tissue paper, newspaper, magazine cut out, acrylic skins, acrylic paint, glitter and recycled memory jewel.

$550 DM if interested.