Work in Progress

I have been having surreal time lapsed dreams of making this work since May.

The net/weaving is 8’x6′ and weighs about 100LBs so far and I havent started wrapping beading or pulling zip ties on yet.

Getting Rid Of Emotional Baggage

We all carry emotional baggage. This manifests differently for each of us. My Emotional Baggage Carts are vessels to dispose of racial trauma and grant access to grace.

My Emotional Baggage Carts are designed to draw people to look within and recognize and dispose of the emotional baggage they themselves are carrying too.

What emotional baggage are you carrying around that you wish to dispose of?

All Dressed Up, Nowhere To Go

Did you ever play dress up in you parents closet as a child? I did.

This body of work recreates the act of rummaging through my mom’s closet except i went through my own closet and storage unit to rediscover treasures I had squirrelled away.

See this work at Be the Light  now on view through until August 22, 2021 at Bridge Art Gallery 199 Broadway, Bayonne NJ

Four structure, Vintage hat, shoes and bag, 3 ply cotton rope, pears, rhinestones, wrapped rope, yarn, trim, beading on steel structure

Free Your Mind

Write a statement about implicit bias or a microaggression you have experienced and release this story from your personal narrative.

I will print your story on a ribbon, infusing your essence into the social fabric of a protective blanket.

August Exhibitions/Up Next

Hello, It’s Me

Exhibit on View: July 20, 2021 – August 7, 2021

On Location: Ed. Varie 184 East 7th Street

NJ Arts Annual: Revision & Respond

Exhibit On View: June 17–August 22, 2021

On Location; Newark Museum of Art, 49 Washington St, Newark, NJ

The digital exhibition catalog is on this link HERE

Or make a reservation to see the show in person HERE

Be the Light 

Exhibit On View:  July 10, 2021 – August 22, 2021

Opening Reception: Saturday, July 10th 3:30 pm to 6:30 pm.

On Location: Bridge Art Gallery 199 Broadway, Bayonne NJ

Hiding In Plain Sight

Solo Exhibit on View: June 10–August 23, 2021

On Location: The Museum of Contemporary African Diaspora Arts (MoCADA)/ Nolan Park House 7A, Governors Island, NYC

See MoCADA Virtual Gallery

A dynamic presentation made up of a virtual exhibition and public art installation on Governors Island, Hidden in Plain Sight confronts the psychological impact of racial gaslighting as revealed in her everyday interactions.

The Social Fabric: Black Artistry in Fiber Arts, An Exhibition in Homage to Viki Craig

Exhibit On View: June 4, 2021 – October 24, 2021

On Location: Morris Museum,  6 Normandy Heights Rd, Morristown, NJ

Wonder Woman Selfie” 48″x36″x2″Mixed Media 2017

Summit Public Art: The Baggage We Carry

Public Art Installation On View:  May 2021 – May 2022

On Location: Summit Village Green, 356 Broad Street Summit, NJ 

Save The Date: JC Friday 9/10/21

Join me for an interactive open studio audience participation session, to wrap and hitch knot thousands of yards of recycled yarn onto rope. Your essence will become a part of this hair installation, finding a common denominator amongst us all, HAIR.

WHEN: On Friday September 10, 2021, 6pm- 9pm

LOCATION: 150 Bay Street PH9, 10th floor Jersey City NJ

Also, I will be working in my Art 150 Studio #231 on the second floor of 150 Bay on Saturday, September 11 and Sunday, September 12 from 1:00-6:00pm both days.  Stop by

NOTE: Entrance lobby for the 2nd floor studios is separate from that for the residential units of 150 Bay and can be found at the NE corner of the building, at the corner of 1st St. and Provost St.

The Baggage We Carry

If you have a car and/or reside in New Jersey, please go visit three of my shopping carts on view at Summit Village Green in Summit New Jersey. You wont be disappointed, the town has cute restaurants and bars and the Visual Arts Center of NJ to fill out your day trip itinerary .

My baggage carts will be on display through May 2022.

Let me know if you want to go and want to catch a ride, ill be going periodically to WD40 the wheels.

Shopping Cart Recovery

If you live downtown Jersey City and see a lonely shopping car lingering about, please snap and txt/DM a photo and cross streets to me.

Special Thank you Corrine. She recovered this shopping cart accumulating garbage, power-washed it in the rain and stored it in her garage for pick up.

One brisk walk through download JC and this cart has completed the first leg of it’s transformation journey…