Call for Entries: Privilege, Power and Everyday Life

Studio Montclair is looking for artwork that encourages dialog about implicit bias and stereotypes and I am curating the show.

Submit your Entry here.

Microaggressions are defined as subtle, intentional — and oftentimes unintentional — everyday interactions or behaviors that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative racial messages or assumptions toward historically marginalized groups.

“You are so articulate.” Presumes that black people are not usually capable of competent intellectual conversation.
“Who are you? Do you live here?” Asking someone to identify themself in their own garage, home, or car and prove they ‘belong’ sends a message they are not welcome.
“Can I touch your hair?” Or worse touching without even asking. Curiosity is ok but invading someone’s personal space is not. This can make someone feel like they are an animal on display.

The difference between microaggressions and overt discrimination, is that people who commit microaggressions are often unaware they are doing these things — and if you point it out to them, they say, “That wasn’t my intention, you are being too sensitive.” Which is yet another microaggression.
The weight of these daily interactions underpins very real consequences in marginalized groups… stress, anger, frustration, self-doubt, and ultimately feelings of powerlessness and invisibility.
We are looking for artwork that encourages dialog about implicit bias and stereotypes. Our hope is to make the invisible, visible as a path towards a more inclusive culture.


Exhibit Dates: January 15 – February 19, 2021

Entry Deadline:  Monday, December 21, 2020
Notification Date: Tuesday, December 29, 2020Opening Reception: TBD
Delivery of Artwork by Hand: January 7 – 9, 2021
Delivery of Artwork by Shipping: Accepting work from January 5 – 9, 2021
Pickup of Unsold Artwork: February 20 -23, 2021


December Exhibitions & Events

Jersey City Arts Awards

The Awards Celebration will be virtual on December 1st at 7pm as YouTube Premiere.

Please join me… event link: Here

Excellence In Fibers VI.

My work Caribbean Friendship Bracelet was selected for Fiber Art Now’s Excellence In Fibers VI. I will share the link to the catalog when I get it.

JC Friday

Virtual JC Friday program runs from 6pm to 10pm on December 4th.

free audience registration is now open →

My fiber and mix media print work is represented during these other JC Fridays exhibitions. My Zoom tune in times below…

6:30pm-6:38pm – ‘The Very Affordable Art Show” Art House Gallery

6:38pm-6:50pm – “Do You Haiku” Pro Arts Jersey City

6:58pm-7:10pm –  My Live Virtual Holiday Card Making Party

9:26pm-9:34pm – “Pieces of Me” at SILVERMAN / Majestic Theatre Condos

The Very Affordable Art Show

In Person / purchase dayswill be Saturday, December 5th from 12 to 5pm, and Sunday December 6th,12 to 5pm. Masks a must!  Only 8 people at a time in the gallery will be strictly enforced.

Pieces of Me

Featuring the Works of:
Preksha Kapadia, Blond Jenny, and Theda Sandiford  

Curated by Kristin J. DeAngelis

The exhibition is on view at The Majestic through end of February 2021.

To schedule a private viewing, please contact curator, Kristin J. DeAngelis: (201) 280-4821 or The Majestic is located at 222 Montgomery Street in Jersey City, New Jersey.

I’m a JCAC Visual Arts Awardee!

2020 Jersey City Arts Awardee selections have been made.

I am very excited to let you know that you have been chosen as the winner of this year’s Visual Arts Award!  

This unexpected honor is life affirming for me as an artist.

Nominations were open to the public throughout the summer and then the individual Committees narrowed the choices to 2-3 nominees. The Jersey City Arts Council, Board of Directors then voted on the final awardees. Each Committee and the Board base their selection on artistic excellence and community impact.

I am truly humbled. Thank you, Jersey City.

Even though we are separate, we are not apart. The Awards Celebration will be virtual on December 1st at 7pm as YouTube Premiere.

Please join me… event link:

Who Am I As an Artist?

I am an artist, craftivist and community builder.

I work lives at the intersection of memory and textile.

I prefer used and found fabrics and recycled materials that have object histories.

I am drawn by the ability of fiber and handwork to build communities and increase awareness of social/political issues.

Morning Dew

The ornamental grasses on my roof deck sway gently,
with the breeze.
Holding droplets of dew , while the sun rises.
The light dancing between the high rises,
in boomerang reflection.
Warming the air and evaporating the pearl like droplets,
into vapor.

Theda Sandiford

Aunty Entity Welcomes You

… to the Thunderdome

I’m assembling a Tina Turner inspired armored dress. Wait til you see the shoulder pads.

New work in progress from Microaggressions series.

Save the Date for Holiday Card Making

A handmade holiday card is a magical way to show someone you care about them.

Pull out your craft supplies and spread them out on a table. This JCFriday, we are going to make holiday cards together on Zoom.

I will provide instruction and take your questions during this live holiday card making demonstration.

SAVE THE DATE: Friday, December 4th, 2020, after 6pm ET, exact time TBC

Suggested Supply List:

  • Plain paper or blank card and envelopes
  • Markers, crayons and paint pens
  • Wrapping paper, tissue paper, old holiday cards, photographs, newspaper and magazine cuttings.
  • Ink and stamps
  • Paper punches and scissors or cutting blade
  • Glue sticks or Matte Medium
  • Old credit card or hotel card key 

Salons2020 Exhibition Video

Beginning in January, three groups of interested Pro Arts members met once a month to share their ideas and work for feedback and inspiration. Each group was assigned a curator who met with them twice to offer another point of view and their suggestions. This year’s program was particularly challenging due to the pandemic forcing most of the meetings to Zoom. Nevertheless, the groups persisted and this exhibition is a culmination of our hard work.

The artists and curators: 

Abstracted Viewpoints / Gerry Heydt, Curator
Theda Sandiford
Christine Barney
Tharanga Goonetilleke
Richard White – (not participating in the show)

Interpreting Reality / Kathleen Karlen Donnelly, Curator
Robert Kosinski
Alpana Mittal
Christy O’Connor
Terry Lively
Yue Feng 

The Commentators / Katelyn Halpern, Curator
Dorie Dahlberg
Loura van der Meule
Jennifer Bechem
Judy Wukitsch
Maryann Ficker