Conceptual Materials Social Practice Artist
This exhibition explores implicit biases facing BIPOC communities and my aesthetic armor for protection.
The show will be on view in MoCADA’s virtual exhibition from May 3, 2021 to July 5, 2021.
Some key dates…
Virtual “Opening/Preview / Tour”: Thursday, April 29, 2021 from 7-9PM
Virtual Artist Talk: Thursday, May 27, 2021 from 7-9PM
Workshop: Saturday, June 12, 2021 at 3-5PM
My work Ponytails and Door Knocker Earrings is being used in the collaborative dance work, People, Place, Disruption with NIMBUS premiering on April 28th.
Show details to follow…
Fiber Art Now’s Excellence In Fibers VI.
Virtual online exhibition on view on New Bedford Art Museum’s website HERE through March 2021. I am in the Sculptural artist group.
Im hosting a Yarn Wrapping on ZOOM this Saturday May 30th @ 1:00pm ET
Join Zoom Meeting: https://umusic.zoom.com/j/9891063383
Meeting ID: 989 106 3383
Learn to wrap and hitch knot yarn and ribbon onto rope. I will demonstrate how I use a crochet hook and knot by hand. The process is a vibe; meditative and relaxing.
Pop in, say hello and have a glass of wine with me while previewing several 3D soft fiber sculpture works in progress.
before it became… THIS
I have been working on several 100′ camouflage ropes for an immersive installation of I Am My Hair. I am deep into earth tones at the moment…