Photo Series: This Is How I Do Vacation Photos

Three images from my 2016 St. Vincent and the Grenadines sailing vacation are in this group exhibition featuring photographic work displayed in series.

“Photo /Series” @ Rotunda Gallery, Jersey City Hall

LOCATION: Rotunda Gallery; 280 Grove St, Jersey City, NJ 07302

“Photo / Series”  runs July 6-31, opening reception Tuesday July 10.

I was sleeping onboard an anchored sailboat in St. Vincent & The Grenadines when a gaggle of birds woke me into a funk. I came topside, to shoe away the birds and realized what the fuss was all about. This amazing sunrise. Thanks to the birds and my iPhone, this is how I do vacation photos.

Psykhe Makes Viewpoints 2018

The exhibit will be on display from June 2 – August 16, 2018 at the Studio Montclair Gallery located at 127 Bloomfield Ave. in Montclair, NJ.

The opening reception is Saturday, June 2 from 6-9pm.

Please let me know if you plan to come to the reception and want to join me for drinks and dinner afterwards. There is an Ethiopian restaurant I want to try in Montclair. Come with…

Learn more about Psykhe below.

Size: 20 x 20 in
Medium: Fine Art Print
Psyche was the goddess of the soul and the wife of Eros god of love.
She was once a mortal princess whose beauty earned the ire of Aphrodite when men began turning their worship away from the goddess towards the girl. Aphrodite commanded Eros make Psykhe fall in love with the most hideous of men but the god instead fell in love and carried her off to a hidden palace. Eros hid his true identity and told Psykhe she must never gaze upon his face. Her jealous sisters, however, tricked her into disobeying and the angry god forsook her. Psykhe searched the world for her lost love and eventually came into the service of Aphrodite. The goddess commanded her perform a series of seemingly impossible tasks which culminated in a journey to the Underworld. Psykhe was afterwards reunited with Eros and the couple were married in a ceremony attended by all the gods.

SMI Members Invitational Exhibit

Guess who was invited to SMI Members Invitational Exhibit, Making as Thinking at Studio Montclair in Montclair NJ. I made this piece on my phone while riding NJ Transit bus to Manhattan.

The exhibit runs from February 7 – March 29, the opening reception will be on February 7 from 7-9pm.

LOCATION: Studio Montclair, 27 Bloomfield Avenue, Montclair NJ 

“Tag 1” Digital photo collage. Street Art Mash Up 2015 #ThedaSandiford #Graffiti

Welcome to Fightclub

Welcome to Fight Club
Size: 20 x 20 in
Framed Size: 22 x 22 x 1 in
Medium: Digital Print On Metallic Photo Paper
Subject Matter: Corporate America
Creation Date: August 2017

Being a black woman in corporate America is like Fight Club. You must mold your personality to be palatable as a peach and keep your opinions to yourself.

The first rule of Fight Club is: you do not talk about Fight Club.
The second rule of Fight Club is: you DO NOT talk about Fight Club!
Third rule of Fight Club: if someone yells “stop!”, goes limp, or taps out, your career is over.