Free the Force

“For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is” – Yoda

Free the Force
Size: 12 x 12 x 1 in
Medium: Acrylic paint, Xerox image transfers, stencil printed deli, paper, paper punched recycled envelops, tissue paper, buttons, glitter appliqués, glitter, Diamond Dust on canvas.
July 2018

Black Is the Color Of My True Love’s Hair

The inspiration for this ….

I'm A Real Rebel with a Cause
I’m A Real Rebel with a Cause Size: 12 x 12 x 1 in Medium: Acrylic paint, Xerox image transfers, stencil printed deli, paper, paper punched recycled envelops, tissue paper, buttons, glitter appliqués, glitter, Diamond Dust on canvas. July 2018

was Nina Simone’s – Black Is The Color Of My True Love’s Hair

Visual Arts Center of NJ Opening: You Are Invited

Wonder Women tapestry will make her debut at the Visual Arts Center of New Jersey on Friday, September 28, 2018, 6:30-8:30pm.

If you participated in the sewing circle that brought this project to life, this is your opening reception too. I hope you can make it. The show will be up until January 27th, 2019.

DATE: Friday, September 28, 2018

TIME: 6:30-8:30pm.

LOCATION: 68 Elm Street, Summit NJ 07901

Visual Arts Center Show

Where to See Theda’s Art in September

Studio Tour Preview Exhibition: JCAST

SHOW DATES: September 3rd- 30th

LOCATION: Rotunda Gallery; 280 Grove Street, Jersey City, NJ 07302

Be Bop
Be Bop 20″x16″ Limited Edition 1/5 Aluminum Print 2016

Women of Wonder: Theda @ LITM.

Please join me for the opening reception Tuesday, September 4th at 7:00pm-10:00pm.


DATE: Tuesday, September 4th

TIME: 7:00pm- 10:00pm

LOCATION: LITM, 140 Newark Ave, Jersey City, NJ

DIRECTIONS:  From Manhattan take the Path train to Grove Street. Walk to Newark Ave pedestrian mall. LITM will be on your right.

Cat Woman Forever
Cat Woman Forever
Size: 36 x 24 x 2 in
Acrylic paint, Xerox image transfers, stencil printed deli, paper, paper punched recycled envelops, tissue paper, buttons, glitter appliqués, glitter, embroidered collar on canvas.
February 2018

Salons: Opening Reception

DATE: September 9th, 2018
TIME: 1:00pm-4:00pm
LOCATION: Watchung Arts Center 18 Stirling Rd, Watchung, NJ

The show runs September 3rd through September 28th. Drawing from a series of Salons coordinated by Pro Arts Jersey City, Salon 2018 presents the culmination of a series of meetings by groups of artists over a nine-month period. Seeking to inspire community, encourage cross-disciplinary learning and deliver an opportunity for professional artistic development, Pro Arts gave each group the freedom to present their collective vision for this show. With 27 participating artists divided into 4 salon groups (determined by zip code rather than medium), groups worked collaboratively, consulting with a Curatorial Advisor twice throughout the collaboration period to engage in conversations about development of their work.

Art The Binds Opening Reception

DATE: September 8th, 2018
TIME: 6:00pm-8:00pm
LOCATION: Atlantic Highlands Arts Council 54 1st Ave, Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey


Song Sung Blue
Song Sung Blue 24″x20″ Limited Edition 2/5 Aluminum Print 2016

Women of Wonder: Theda at LITM

I have been working on this series exploring the women I admired as a tween/teen for the past year. Im so excited it is finally ready for you to enjoy it too.

Please join me at the opening reception for my solo show, Women of Wonder at LITM on Tuesday, September 4th at 7:00pm.


DATE: Tuesday, September 4th

TIME: 7:00pm- 10:00pm

LOCATION: LITM, 140 Newark Ave, Jersey City, NJ

DIRECTIONS:  From Manhattan take the Path train to Grove Street. Walk to Newark Ave pedestrian mall. LITM will be on your right.

Cat Woman Forever
Cat Woman Forever Size: 36 x 24 x 2 in Acrylic paint, Xerox image transfers, stencil printed deli, paper, paper punched recycled envelops, tissue paper, buttons, glitter appliqués, glitter, embroidered collar on canvas. February 2018


Vacation Inspiration

I’m never doing nothing. Even on vacation, I like to capture the moment with a quick sketch or watercolor story. Long after, I’ve returned to real life, when I review these works, i’m still whisked away to the beach.

Here is the view from my most recent trip to Christiansted, St. Croix.

“Ocean Front View, #1”
This was the view from the beach front condo in Christiansted St. Croix. Can you see the palms, people, beach and surf?
“Ocean Front View, #2” This was the view from the beach front condo in Christiansted St. Croix. Can you see the palms, people, beach and surf?
“Ocean Front View, #3” This was the rainy view from the beach front condo in Christiansted St. Croix.
Can you see the palms, beach and surf?

Wonder Women Photo Shoot