
Due to Covid19, Dayton Society of Artists is presenting, Intertwined, a national juried exhibition of fiber arts, online. I am one of 32 fiber artists in the show. The diversity and quality of work is amazing.

Intertwined, officially opens May 1, 2020 at 6pm

BUT you can view the exhibition at now.

“Neue” Mixed Media Fiber 200’x 1/2″ 2020

Art in the Atrium 28th Annual Exhibit

Too bad we all sheltering in place and can’t visit in person. There is a lot of great art in this show. You can browse the catalog here.

I printed a high resolution image of my Wonder Woman mixed media work onto heavy rayon fabric and then went wild sewing trim, buttons, Pony Beads, mirrors, crystals, broken jewelry and recycled baby food bottle caps bringing this huge tapestry to life.

The tapestry was made during the summer of 2018 through a series of open studio sewing circle events where friends, friends of friends and strangers off the street turned up to help me sew. 
Prints are available.

Fiber 2020: Virtual Gallery

I looking forward to a road trip to Connecticut to see the nationally juried show Fiber 2020 at the Silvermine Art Center.

The gallery is now co-vid closed as we all remain sheltered at home. The good news is that the entire show is online so you can get a peak at all of the terrific pieces selected by juror Beth Mclaughlin, Chief Curator at the Fuller Craft Museum.

Here is the link to view the Fiber 2020 show 

My work Caribbean Friendship Bracelet is on the show link and below.

Rethinking Community

During this time, the fellowship of making art with other people is a big missing for me. Art making is how I stay balanced. It is how I release my stress after a long day at work. Making art with other people creates special affinities.

Under quarantine, things are a bit different. Telecommuting for a work-a-holic personality is all consuming. At the end of the day, I am exhausted from having been SWITCHED ON for hours. I just don’t have it in me to call anyone, organize or hop on a ZOOM to say in touch with my community.

Lately, the few calls I do make, i’m learning about the passing of a mutual friend or family member due to covid-19. I tense up when the phone rings now. And the sentimental TV spots are starting to annoy me. I’m tired.

The one thing I look forward to is the 7:00pm Cheer for Heathcare and Essential Workers. The clapping, banging on pots and hooting and hollering each night with my high rise neighbors is a welcome release.

This is my new community. I now find myself listening for a certain scream from a building on Morgan Street or a particular clanking of a pot from the high rise in front of my roof deck. Hello new friends, thank you for keeping me sane.

Flash Back to Art House Big Mouth Workshop

BWAC Wide Open 11: Postponed

Twilight Off The Bow was accepted in the WIDE OPEN 11 art exhibition by juror Paulina Pobocha, Associate Curator in the Department of Painting and Sculpture at The Museum of Modern Art, New York! 

Only thing is, due to covid-19 the show has been postponed until later this summer. I’ll let you know when Opening Day is rescheduled. There will be a reception and juror’s award winners will be announced at the Opening whenever that is. 

BWAC Gallery: WIDE OPEN 11 Show
481 Van Brunt Street
Door 7 (Canal side, through the Pier gate)
Brooklyn, NY  11231


Making Twilight Off The Bow

I invited friends to my studio to wrap yarn, recycled sari thread, ribbon onto cotton rope. 
5 people imbued their essence and became a part of the rope, as we discussed the trials and tribulations of our hair.
Finding a common denominator amongst us all, HAIR.

“Twilight Off The Bow” Mixed Media Fiber 100’x 1/2″ 2019

CoVid19 Fall Out

It has taken me a moment to adjust to the new normal of being stuck in the apartment 24/7, worrying about my elderly parents, a non stop parade of 10-6p video ZOOM calls for work and figuring out how to get comfortable with not know when this will all end.

I thrive on making artwork in community and I can’t do that right now. Its been an adjustment being solo in the studio again. It is not the same for me

With all galleries and museums temporarily shuttered, several of my shows have either been postponed or are now virtual. And who knows when I will receive back art from arts institutions that are currently shutdown. My Now Friends Residency in Nairobi Kenya scheduled for July is now up in the air too. There is so much uncertainty right now.

Here is what I do know..

Annual Art Supply Swap Postponed

We shifted Sky Garden Gallery’s annual Spring Art Supply Swap to September 5, 2020. And will close Oshun after we shoot a virtual tour of the show this week. Thi

Wonder Women @ Bridge Art Gallery

Wonder Women was installed at Bridge Art Gallery days before NJ shut down all non-essential businesses. You can visit via the virtual tour below. Contact Bridge Art Gallery if you are interested in seeing any of these works in person, a private viewing may be possible.

ViewPoints 2020 @ Studio Montclair

You will have to wait to see Caribbean Friendship Bracelet in person at ViewPoints 2020. The exhibition has been pushed from May to October of this year.

Exhibit Dates: 10/28 – 11/27

Opening reception: Friday, October 30

Caribbean Friendship Bracelet, Mixed media fibre, cotton rope, yarn, chenille and recycled sari silk, 77 x 10 x 11 in, 2019