Virtual tour of ReVision and Respond

How have the past few years of turbulence, isolation, unrest, and injustice affected artists?

Take a look at the exhibition ReVision and Respond, with me. This New Jersey Arts Annual exhibition features 45 New Jersey artists from all over the state. I will tour you through the show looking at my work and the work of my peers. This program will be available on Zoom and will be live on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Twitch.

Register HERE

Inside Look is a project of the New Jersey State Council on the Arts and The Newark Museum of Art.

Wide Load

I started calling this cart Wide Load before I was even conscious of how much of my emotional baggage is tied to the food I eat.
Don’t even think of visiting my Mom without her feeding you and taking a plate home. I can still smell , vivid memories of Father punishing me for not finishing my dinner plate and reminding of the starving children in Africa at the same time. A double whammy of eat your food and feel guilty about eating your food. I could go on and on…

Bottle caps, neon yellow 550 paracord, 200′ neon yellow camo 850 paracord, hollow braided polyurethane rope, solar LED rope lights, recycled Fresh Direct bag and commercial fishing net, zip ties, gold spray paint on recovered shopping cart. Photo by April Tracey
Bottle caps, neon yellow 550 paracord, 200′ neon yellow camo 850 paracord, hollow braided polyurethane rope, solar LED rope lights, recycled Fresh Direct bag and commercial fishing net, zip ties, gold spray paint on recovered shopping cart. Photo by April Tracey


When the lines between redistricting and gerrymandering are blurry…

Bottle caps, yellow 550 paracord, hollow braided polyurethane rope, solar LED lights, recycled commercial fishing net, zip ties, gold spray paint on recovered shopping cart. Photo by April Tracey

At night the sculpture lights up…

Bottle caps, yellow 550 paracord, hollow braided polyurethane rope, solar LED lights, recycled commercial fishing net, zip ties, gold spray paint on recovered shopping cart. Photo by April Tracey

Purple Fiesta

When I am not invited to the party, I’ll just throw a little fiesta for myself…

1” cut strips of African print fabric, acrylic yarn, pony beads, pom poms, bells, 850 paracord, cool LED lights on a gold recovered shopping cart. 36 x 40 x 24 in, 2021

Thunder Dome


Recycled commercial fishing net, ribbon, and paracord 64 x 12 x 6 in September 2020


Recycled commercial fishing net, ribbon, and paracord 64 x 12 x 6 in September 2020

Black Ballerina

As a child, I wanted to take ballet. When my mom took me to the dance school, the teacher took one look at me and told me I was better suited for Jazz/Tap because my skin tone would not match the point shoes. Don’t get me wrong, I love Jazz/Tap, but I never got a pair of point shoes and still regret this to this day.

A set of five 100′ of slip half hitched chain black glitter 1/4” cotton ropes, knotted with ribbon, recycled ribbon, sari ribbon, acrylic yarn, broken jewelry and 8” zip ties on bamboo ring.

Morning Dew

Sunrise and Morning Dew

The ornamental grasses on my roof deck sway gently,
with the breeze.
Holding droplets of dew , while the sun rises.
The light dancing between the high rises,
in boomerang reflection.
Warming the air and evaporating the pearl like droplets,
into vapor.

250′ Cotton rope, yarn, and a string of pearls on 8′ steel structure

All Dressed Up, Nowhere To Go

While in lockdown during the first month of the Pandemic, I decided to organize my closet and clean out my storage unit.

While sorting through my things, childhood memories of playing dress up in my mother’s clothes flooded my brain.

I recreated this moment with this installation.

Four structure, Vintage hat, shoes and bag, 3 ply cotton rope, pears, rhinestones, wrapped rope, yarn, trim, beading on steel structure


I was blown away how the choreographers and dancers used my Ponytails and Door Knocker Earrings as if it is another dancer in their work.

I love how the video was shot and edited. My hair totems have been truly brought to life.

Watch to see for yourself.

The gallery exhibition of PEOPLE PLACE DISRUPTION will be up at the Nimbus Arts Center on Sundays from 11am – 2pm with 20 minute reservable spots through May 22 :