Artist Talk 7:00pn Today

I am giving a virtual lecture about my Free Your Mind; Social Justice Art Project.

I am giving a virtual lecture for the Mid Atlantic Fiber Association on tonight at 7:00pm about Free Your Mind.

Free Your Mind is a collection of personal narratives. Participants are invited to share a personal experience with implicit bias to release this story from their personal narrative.

Please join me, registration is Free… HERE

Free Your Mind is a collection of personal narratives. Participants are invited to share a personal experience with implicit bias to release this story from their personal narrative.

Feel free to share your story HERE

Register for Artist Talk Next Week

I am giving a virtual lecture about my Free Your Mind; Social Justice Art Project next week on March 28 at 7:00pm.

Free Your Mind is a collection of personal narratives. Participants are invited to share a personal experience with implicit bias to release this story from their personal narrative.

Please join me, registration is Free… HERE

Free Your Mind is a collection of personal narratives. Participants are invited to share a personal experience with implicit bias to release this story from their personal narrative.

Feel free to share your story HERE

Triggered, Truth & Transformation Solo Show

My solo show, Triggered, Truth & Transformation opens this week in Auburn NY.

Exhibition Dates: March 25-May 28, 2023

Location: Schweinfurth Art Center; 205 Genesee St. Auburn, NY 13021

I will be leading a rope making workshop on April 15, 2023. Please join me

I Can’t Breathe, night view

Despite the growing commitment to racial equity, the day-to-day experiences of women of color are not improving. Women of color face similar types and frequencies of microaggressions as they did two years ago – and they remain far more likely than white women to face disrespectful and “othering” behavior.

The weight of these triggers underpins very real consequences… stress, anger, frustration, self-doubt and ultimately feelings of powerlessness and invisibility. These triggers come with a hefty toll of emotional baggage.

Extensions of rope, wrapped, knotted, woven, and embellished with recycled textiles, zip ties, ribbon and yarn, gingerly invite the audience into off the-wall conversations about the “respectability politics” of black hair.  My Emotional Baggage Carts are vessels for this racial trauma.  The act of making, weaves the sting of daily microaggressions into the cart, freeing me from these constraints.

ATA@NOVARTIS Closing Next Week

Great Resignation: Emotional Baggage Cart is being installed in the gallery at Novartis in East Hanover.

Im curious to see what emotional baggage is left behind in my cart by the employees of this the pharmaceutical company…

Exhibition Dates: February 28- March 28

Location: Novartis, One Health Plaza, Building 434 Gallery East Hanover, NJ

Closing Reception:  March 28th 6-9pm

Microaggressions Sound Like

Let me know what you think of this audio that will accompany future installation of Free Your Mind?

Microaggressions are defined as subtle, intentional — and oftentimes unintentional — everyday interactions or behaviors that communicate hostile, derogatory or negative racial messages or assumptions toward historically marginalized groups.
The difference between microaggressions and overt discrimination, is that people who commit microaggressions are often unaware they are doing these things – and if you point it out to them, they say, “That wasn’t my intention, you are being too sensitive.” Which is yet another microaggression.
I often have the experience of people touching my hair without asking first, which makes me feel like a merchandise on display and I cannot begin to tell you how many times I’ve been complimented for being “articulate.” Which presumes that black people are not usually capable of competent intellectual conversation.
The weight of these daily interactions underpins very real consequences… stress, anger, frustration, self-doubt and ultimately feelings of powerlessness and invisibility.