Theda’s Stateside Art Tour Schedule This Month

Im touching down in New Jersey on Sunday, April 28th and swiftly immerse myself in the installation process, with Kates-Ferri’s for the 1-54 Contemporary African Art Fair on April 29th. The fair, a vibrant celebration of African artistry, runs from May 1st to 5th. Look for me at booth #7.

My eyes are set on attending Amref’s Art Ball on Saturday, May 4th, 2024, at 7:30 pm in Brooklyn—an event I hope to score tickets for. Following this, I anticipate delving into the creative haven of Touchstone Center For Crafts, where I’ll undergo a two-week Artist Residency from May 10th to 24th, eagerly anticipating the chance to meet fellow textile artists. Im also giving an artist talk on “Free Your Mind” on May 22 at Touchstone.

On May 19th, I’ll make a 5 hour drive to the Hunterdon Art Museum for the unveiling of “Uncontained: Reimagining Basketry,” featuring my work The Great Resignation Emotional Baggage Cart. Please join me at the Opening Reception from 2-4pm in Clinton NJ.

With free days between engagements from May 25th to June 4th, I’m keen to connect over drinks, gallery shows, or even studio visits. Please let me know, if you want to meet up in NYC, NJ, PA or DE while I’m stateside.

My tour culminates with the installation of “Free Your Mind” at the Delaware Contemporary on June 5th, followed by their season opening on June 7th from 5-9pm.

I’ll bid farewell to the States and return home to St. Croix on June 9th.

Bottle Cap Pearls