Homeschool Residency Artwork

When the pandemic delayed my artist residency with NOW Friends, Nairobi Kenya, I took measures into my own hands and spend hours scouring the internet looking at images and video of beading, fabric and african art.

This is the result of my self styled homeschooled virtual artist residency.

Cider Six Packs and various single use bottle caps strung and knotted with blue and white polyurethane rope.

Head Full Of Joyful Noise

New Work: Bottle Cap Pearls

This work is inspired by my self directed homeschool virtual artist residency with NOW Friends in Nairobi Kenya. Last summer when Covid preventing me from traveling to Nairobi, I drilled holes in thousands of bottle caps instead.

And researched Kenyan artists online and watched tons of YT videos about Masai Mura to make this Pinterest board which has lead to this new body of work using recycled bottle caps.

What do you think?

Kenya Art Residency Update: Turning Lemons into Lemonade

This month, I was supposed to be in Kenya learning beading and basketry techniques but my artists residency with Now Friends was postponed/canceled. Damn you Corona…  

For a little inspiration visit with my Pinterest scrapbook Kenya Residency 2020 board instead.

I have been experimenting all year with recycled materials in preparation for this residency.  I am ready so, switch up and plan B, turning lemons into lemonade mode…

I enrolled in a ZOOM alternative weaving and basketry intensive program at the Textile Arts Center (NYC) later this month. It isn’t Kenya, but I am moving forward advancing my skills using bottle caps, wine corks, plastic bags, ribbon gifted to me by so many of my favorite people. You know who you are.

Watch my Instagram Stories to see how these works progress.